
Catalina Direct Discussion Topics / Catalina 22 Discussion Area / Miscellaneous / Small Crack in Transom
Author Small Crack in Transom
Buzz Lovelace
Calabasas CA

Boat Name: The Vital Spark

Model/Year: 1971

Hull No. 15

Hailing Port: Ventura CA
10/06/2009 6:20 AM Pacific Time

I noticed a hairline crack were the side of the hull were the transom comes together on the starbord aft. It opens slightly when I put pressure on it. Also I tried to clean it out and use marine tech; but I need to go deeper. any suggestions on how to do this effectively

Thanks Buzz
David Torrisi
Santa Clara, CA

Boat Name: Dumbo

Model/Year: 1975 C-22

Hull No. 4330

Hailing Port: Santa Clara
10/06/2009 5:12 PM Pacific Time

It's possible that it's just a crack in the gel coat with a void underneath. That would be cosmetic if it's above the waterline. I would use a Dremel or similar and a fine point stone to do some exploratory grinding. Grind it out until you've removed the crack or start to sweat. If you think it's structural (you can see daylight from inside), I'd recommend professional help unless you have the time/skills/aptitude to effect a thorough repair. It's hard to say w/o pictures. You could post a photo somewhere (photobucket.com, imageshack.us) and link to it here.
Hope that helps a bit.
Catalina Direct Discussion Topics / Catalina 22 Discussion Area / Miscellaneous / Small Crack in Transom