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Swing Keel Replacement
Catalina Direct Discussion Topics
Catalina 22 Discussion Area
Swing Keel Replacement
Looking to buy a keel
Looking to buy a keel
John Flato
Boat Name:
Model/Year: 1984
Hull No. 12030
Hailing Port: Shoreacres, TX
08/09/2017 2:28 PM
Pacific Time
I'm looking to buy a keel.
John Flato
Houston, Texas
[email protected]
Thomas L Schroder
Boat Name: Rat Rod
Model/Year: 1978
Hull No. 8600
Hailing Port: Lake Conroe
11/16/2017 2:44 AM
Pacific Time
We have several keels in various stages of being restored. These are at the Conroe Yacht Club on Lake Conroe north of Houston.
Swing Keel Replacement
Catalina Direct Discussion Topics
Catalina 22 Discussion Area
Swing Keel Replacement
Looking to buy a keel