Raymond Canberra
Boat Name: Heat Wave
Model/Year: Boomaroo 22
Hull No.
Hailing Port: |
09/22/2004 6:07 AM Pacific Time
Cananyone tell me if and how I can ask for technical support via email?
Can anyone tell me how I canget an update fof the contents of the Owner's Handbook? |
Lowell Richardson, Owner, Catalina Direct Sacramento CA
Boat Name: Steamboat Willie
Model/Year: 1984
Hull No.
Hailing Port: Folsom Lake |
09/23/2004 12:23 AM Pacific Time
Providing technical support for sailboats via e-mail is incredibly inefficient.
If the subject is appliances or cars, built by the millions, whose changes were well documented, the answers are often very straight forward.
Sailboats however are like snowflakes, no two are alike. The only way to answer a question is to ask a dozen more to gain enough information about the customer's boat to have a chance of answering correctly. It could take many e-mails back and forth to gather enough data to offer an intelligent answer. No one can afford to provide that level of support for free.
In your case, questions are about a boat located a half a world away from Catalina Yachts, not built by Catalina or for that matter even licensed by Catalina as far as I understand. The only people who know details accurately about your boat are those who built the boat originally and those who have sailed them extensively. Any other answers are only guesses.
My advise is to post your questions to the appropriate Clubhouse topic and see if anyone can offer a bit of insight. You are also welcome to call our technical support line. A rapid exchange of information will result in an educated guess based on our extensive experience with Catalina 22's. It may or may not apply to a Boomaroo 22
Updates to our Catalina 22 Owners "Handbook went to the post office today. They should arrive to most domestic customers within a week or so. Bulk mail will not deliver to foreign addresses however, so international customers will have to contact us to arrange to have one mailed.
We have produced many updates to the handbook over the years. Recent editions are still available, earlier editions are out of print. You don't mention which updates you already have, so I am not sure which ones you need. You may prefer to order a new, current handbook online if that is more convenient. |
Raymond Canberra
Boat Name: Heat Wave
Model/Year: Boomaroo 22
Hull No.
Hailing Port: |
09/26/2004 10:13 PM Pacific Time
Thank you for your reply.
I am intrigued, because I had been led to believe that the Boomaroo was an Astralian produced version of the Catalina, and that the Jaguar was a British produced version. I had assumed that these were built under licence.
I take your point re emails. I have problems with studnets' email for the same reasons.
My Owner's Handbook is dated copyright 1997, but it also includes a page stating "Updated Through Spring 2000). Is this sufficient information?
My details are:
Dr T.R. Smyth
1 Lane Plac,
Spence, ACT, 2615
Australia |