
Catalina Direct Discussion Topics / Catalina 22 Discussion Area / Miscellaneous / mooring cleat
Author mooring cleat
Bill Seger
Lombard Illinois

Boat Name: "Free Willy"

Model/Year: catalina 22 1988

Hull No. 14282

Hailing Port: Winthrop Harbor,Illinois
05/12/2006 6:58 PM Pacific Time

fellow catalina owners; I thought I saw a cleat advertised somewhere that could be mounted amidships on the jib sheet traveler for a midship cleat.Has anyone seen this or was I dreaming? Thanks!
Lynn Buchanan
Nevada City, CA

Boat Name: SAILYNN

Model/Year: SWING 1984

Hull No. 11994

05/17/2006 1:28 PM Pacific Time

I've seen them on bigger boats like my Irwin 37 but not on a C22. I would think Lowell of Catalina Direct could answer that question for you. It's a toll free call.
Dick King
Melbourne, FL

Boat Name: Twilight Zone

Model/Year: Sport/2005

Hull No. 15546

Hailing Port: Melbourne, FL
05/18/2006 5:52 AM Pacific Time

Bill - I think you are referring to a cleat mounted on a genoa track slide. They are available in most marine store catalogs.

HOWEVER, unless you have none standard Catalina 22 genoa tracks, the slide won't fit the track. The industry standard is 1 inch T track. For some unknown reason, Catalina installs 15/16 inch track on the Catalina 22. The "T" is also a different shape, so a 1 inch slide, simply will not fit..
Catalina Direct Discussion Topics / Catalina 22 Discussion Area / Miscellaneous / mooring cleat