Technical Support Line
Our free tech support line is manned by a small team of sailors with decades of experience.
We love to help, but are often overwhelmed by the volume of calls. Please check for information on this web site first.
Answers to 95% of the questions we receive can be found in:
- Info tabs found on every part’s page, i.e. “Description", "More Info", "Dimensions", "Warnings & Notes”
- “Read More” at the bottom of the page for related tech support articles.
- “Technical Support Articles”. Click “Technical Support” --> "Technical Support Articles" at the top of any page. Choose one of the categories shown and choose from several pertinent articles.
- Our extensive sailing glossary. Arcane sailing terms are highlighted in blue throughout the web site. Click on that link and you will be taken to the definition in our sailing glossary.
Please look there first. If you absolutely can’t find the answer…
1) You must know the following before you call:
- What is the model, year and hull # of your boat?
- What is the main issue you need solved today?
2) Open our web site on your desktop, phone or tablet. (Yes, we will want to view photos on our site with you.)
3) Call: 916/843-1971
Technical support hours: Tuesday through Friday - 10:00 to 5:00 Pacific Time
We look forward to chatting about sailing with you.