Early Catalina 27s and Catalina 30s were not equipped with lifeline gates or gate stanchions. When the pelican hook was released, the lifeline went
slack from bow to
stern. Later a gate was employed with a "hinge" (and stop) in the lifeline created by the addition of an aircraft fork and eye in the wire at the aft most stanchion.
Although some early boats are not equipped with these reinforced gate stanchions, they are necessary when a hinge (or "gate") is installed in the lifeline. If a standard stanchion is used at the gate, the stanchion will bend if a crew member forward falls against the lifeline when the gate is open and not supported by the stern pulpit. This version would allow you to replace and existing vented stancion.
• Tubing diameter: 1"
• Deck to center of top lifeline: 24"
• Top of stanchion to center of weld for support leg: 5"
• Center to center of mounting bases at deck level: 10-1/2" (This dimension may be altered as much as +- 5/8" by simply flexing the stanchion when mounting)
• Both mounting pads are on the same plane at deck level (neither mount to the top of the
• Support leg is at an angle to the main stanchion
• Vent hose barb, outside diameter: 1/2"
Stanchion Base:
• Size: 2-3/4" (short base) x 4" (long base) x 3"
• Thickness: 5/32"
• Fastener spacing: Fore & Aft: 2" (short base), 3" (long base)
1) When used on a boat equipped with a single gate stanchion on each side of the boat (port and
starboard), the stanchion pictured is the starboard gate. Larger boats may use two gate stanchions on each side of the boat, one forward and one aft of the gate. In that case, the pictured stanchion is the forward starboard gate stanchion as well as the port aft gate stanchion.
2) A 50% nonrefundable deposit will be billed when your order for this item is accepted. The balance will be billed when the product ships.
3) When you order this special order item it sets off a chain of events like Willie Wonka in the chocolate factory. Once you turn the valve the chocolate is coming down the pipe. If you then decide you want caramel, the chocolate is still going to come out of the pipe. We can't put the Chocolate back in the pipe, so someone is going to have to eat it, and it's not going to be us! Your order can't be canceled, returned, or magically changed into caramel, so please order carefully the first time!