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Catalina 22 Maintenance


Here you will find items required for routine or scheduled maintenance. These items will help you to maintain your boat and will often prevent the need for future corrective maintenance as well as keeping your boat looking its best.

Clear Sealant
Paste Patch Repair Kit
Sealant / Adhesive UV
Marine Sealant Debond Kit
Plastic Scraper Kit
Bristle Brush, Brass
Deburring Tool
Digital Display Caliper
Sailor's Tool
Vernier Caliper
C-22 Keel Turning Ball Kit
Cam Cleat Rebuild Kit
Creeping Crack Cure
Fiberglass Stain Remover
Keel Cable Assembly C-22
Keel Zinc Set for Lead Keel
Pelican Hook Rebuild Kit
Plastic Cleaner & Polish
Rapid Set Marine-Tex Gray
Sailkote Dry Lubricant